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Health Services

Health Services


The medical & mental health department of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office offers a wide range of comprehensive services by employees and sub-contractors to both the male and female population. Today the emphasis is placed on preparing sentenced inmates for re-entry back into the community with all the needed tools to make this transition successful. Both the medical and mental health team members play a vital role in the re-entry process with emphasis placed on the continuity of care and on-going management of both the medical and mental health issues upon the inmates' release. This includes providing prescriptive medication, prescriptions, scheduling outside appointments for follow up care and providing outside services with the necessary information to ensure a smooth transition for our clients.

The Health Services team is comprised of a very dedicated group of individuals including physicians, psychologist, family nurse practitioner, dentist, optometrist, registered and licensed nurses, the health administrators and administrative assistant. Medical coverage is on site around the clock. In addition, all officers are trained in CPR and First Responder annually.


Accreditation is the certification by an independent reviewing authority that an agency has met specific requirements and prescribed professional standards. The FCSO was first accredited by the National Commission for Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) in 1997 and has maintained accreditation up to the present. These are the highest standards that can be achieved in the correctional community that guides both the medical and mental health practice.


“The greatest wealth is health “-Virgil



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Franklin County Sheriff's Office

(413) 774-4014

160 Elm Street, Greenfield, MA 01301

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