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Inmate Property

As people are arrested and lodged in our jail, their personal belongings are inventoried and stored in the property room.  


Some personal belongings items are not accepted by the jail.  They may be destroyed (such as food or hazardous materials) or may be stored by the arresting police agency (large items, for example).  


Everything an inmate needs in jail is either issued to them by the jail, available for purchase through commissary, or issued by medical staff.  Inmates may purchase optional items from the jail commissary, such as snacks, hygiene items, additional clothing, or writing supplies. 


Even though inmates may receive approved items, they may only keep a certain amount of property in their cell.  All excess allowed property must be stored in their property room bin.  Inmates do not have access to the property room.




An inmate may release all of his or her property from jail storage to a person, except one set of clothing for the inmate to wear when they are released from jail or transferred to another facility. The receiving person must be at least 18 years old and must meet some limits and conditions.

You should have the inmate sign the property release form before you come to the jail to pick up their property. The authorized recipient, with official photo identification, can pick up property from the jail lobby desk..




You cannot bring an inmate any property with the exception of medical items, court clothes for a jury trial, special-fit clothing.  The following rules apply:

  • Only adults with photo identification may deliver property for an inmate.

  • You must have approval from health care staff and a jail supervisor before you deliver any medical items, including eyeglasses.

  • You may bring court clothes up to 3 days before the inmate's court date. We will not accept hair accessories, jewelry, or makeup as a part of court clothes. Court security policy requires female inmates to wear pants or long dresses or skirts as court clothes.

  • A supervisory officer must approve an inmate to receive any special-fit clothing before it is brought to the jail.


You may deliver allowed property to the jail lobby desk.



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Franklin County Sheriff's Office

(413) 774-4014

160 Elm Street, Greenfield, MA 01301

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